Coffee House

1.Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.

2.Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

3.Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates.The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Let me demotivate you

Scanning through some internet websites I came across this and found it was very interesting. Though we get thousands of mails about motivation and all other things, here is one for all de-motivators.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

High heels

In the sweet company of Cathy I went in search of some best fit clothing for myself. Now that Cathy determined my haircut, which she calls French-styleJ? Though it looks as if I am just out of my bed and stupid, I thought of trying the new look she was trying to give me. We roamed like 2 hrs in search of an over-coat into all good shops like “Zara”, “Old England”, “Celio” etc… in vain. In the fashion capital of the world we were unable to find an over-coat, pretty frustrating. Finally we found one in Zara and bought it (120 Euros something, a gift J). After arriving at famous “Star Bucks” a light discussion on women ignited and I started studying this matter.

I accept woman is quite different species than men. There are some unique qualities, which we like in woman, which attracts all male (almost) creatures. About woman fashion, I think I learnt a lot in Paris, maybe because they have too much liberty here. In Paris or any other place if you notice, woman has more shopping options than men. In the western world all men wear is a pantaloon and a shirt, maybe a jean or some formal trouser but it is still a pantaloon. In France it is a custom for men to provide their woman with expensive lingerie on Valentines. Expensive means something like 1000 Euros lingerie? Isn’t it crazy to spend 1000 Bucks on lingerie? But Cathy says a gift must be as good as the packaging J, so I cannot argue on this point.

Why do woman wear high heels? Isn’t it uncomfortable? I've got simple tastes when it comes to women's attire but I am not against my woman wearing good dress. After all she is a person and she has her own desire but I cannot understand the complication of wearing high heels. Here below I have mentioned my argument about this matter and Cathy’s reaction for the same.

  1. High heels must be the worst of the lot, though, because I've seen the look of relief and delight when women get to take their shoes off at the end of the day. There's a moment of transcendence that crosses their face...something conspicuously absent when they kick off their Nikes after a jog. These subtle hints tell me that high heels are not comfortable footwear.
  2. High Heel Shoes - women wearing this kind of shoe cannot run, jump, carry much weight... in short they are physically hindered by them. Wearing them indicates that the wearer doesn't need to do any of those things.
  3. I have seen many women tripping in the metros or on road because of these complicated high heels they wear. They need to watch out for each step they take, pretty annoying actually.

Cathy quotes the following reasons, which I do not disagree with

1. I don't know what to say. I'm a girly girl. I dig heels. This predilection arose mainly as a result of my height complex (I'm the shortest person in my family (but I think she is at least 5.7)), but I've grown rather attached to them. Maybe it's because I've seen so few men who can walk in heels - learning is sometimes a rite of womanhood, it makes me feel special, even powerful. Moreover, I can skateboard in them, and I don't know even drag queens who can do that.

2. It could be argued that what makes a woman (or man) most sexy is whatever makes her (or him) feel sexy. I feel sexy in heels. I feel powerful and tall and sort of like I'm in costume. I feel unmistakably feminine (well sometimes western woman needs reassurance I suppose J).

3. One thing you have to accept is woman posses some unique physical features which men ogle all the time. A woman feels confident when men do that. High heels elevate such feature. Maybe it's because the average increase in the protrusion of a woman's buttocks when she wears high heels is 25%? J

4. Okay, I still can't justify sticking your toes into a Doritos-like triangle where sometimes it'll get squashed so badly, you'll have to deal with corns for life, but women still smile and prance around looking their best. I just can't make sense of why some women will panic and cringe every time we see a bug or an insect yet we remain absolutely fearless when it comes to balancing our entire weight on our toes – for hours!

Well you see I could find out a lot of things but still the question eludes an absolute answer…

Match Point

Maybe two Woody Allen movies in a row evoked my writing skills. I loved his movies from the start. If I can recall I have seen around eight or nine Woody Allen movies and every movie is similar yet different. Though the pace/mischief of movie is very similar, the theme is different. Like every movie it will start with similar music, as soon as music begins you know it is Woody Allen, as a verification to your presence in the right hall. During the pace of movie when around 80% of movie is complete you are going nuts and want to smash the person/people in the movie but suddenly there will be an unexpected turn and everything falls into it’s place. When things are over you see there is much to debate and understand. I know, not many people like his movies, yet I somehow like his comic sense in every real situation.

Here below I have selected some quotes from Woody Allen…

  • It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
  • What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
  • The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers.
  • If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.
  • More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
  • It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.
  • Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it.

This is a proof of Woody Allen’s comic sense. Last Woody Allen’s movie I watched was “Match Point”. When the movie started I thought it was different but in the end I realized it was same Woody Allen ending.

Too much thoughts and philosophy has it’s own drawback. It just makes you realize that you can defend all your actions with an argument. Even a perfect crime can be defended by some selfish remark. Success is very much a factor of luck. Though it might sound unfair it is so. I know we will never accept this fact but I believe it is true.

In the movie Jonathan murders his mistress and her neighbor in the bid to save his marriage. Because of sheer luck he escapes from being caught but his inner self torments him. The way he defends his actions to himself is unforgettable. He says “The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for grander schemes. You were collateral damage”, to the neighbor whom he murdered.

The story line of Match Point is powerful, disturbing, and exceedingly clever. Philosophical folks will likely want to talk about it afterward. Some will find it frustrating and others will find it pretentious. Still others will point to Woody Allen's own life and claim that this film is some form of perverse confession. Well, from my perspective, it is simply damn good story-telling.